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Commercial Solar Panel Installation

Average electricity rates for commercial users have increased more than 20 percent in 10 years.

This is shifting from $0.08/kWh to more than $0.10/kWh. With the commercial sector consuming more than 1.3 trillion kilowatt-hours (kWh) each year, this price increase has resulted in tens of billions of dollars in additional utility bills. As a result, more and more organizations are looking to solar to help them substantially reduce energy costs.

Commercial Incentives Stack Up

The net cost of your solar system drops to 30% off its turnkey price when you include all of the commercial solar incentives available.

After commercial incentives, like Federal Tax Credits, Potential Utility Rebates and Depreciation, your System Cost potentially drops to 25% of the System Expense before Incentives.

Have any Questions?

Reach out to our Educated and Experienced Team to Get Started

Take Control of your Power

Switching to Solar Energy is a huge benefit to your family, and is the least expensive option for power currently available: